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Projects SeenIt
* Tired of finding out the last episode you watched of a TV-Serie?
* Having lots of TV-series to watch?

Perhaps SeenIt can help you? SeenIt keeps track of TV-series you have seen, all you have to do is update the program when you have watched a new episode. SeenIt makes it easy to watch TV-Serie..

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Forum Tombstones
Our hero - EL GRINGO - is infamous for being the fastest and most dangerous gunslinger in the wild, wild west. But he is tired of killing, and wants to retire from his gunslinger career to settle down with his true love, MISS. JIGGLYTITS. However, having this stellar reputation tempt out..

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SeenIt v3.1.6.1 released | Author: Admin | Date: 25.05.16 22:55:31

- Improved: The way SeenIt copies data to the clipboard. SeenIt will now report back if it fails.

- Fixed: Right clicking a serie and using copy to clipboard never worked.

- Fixed: Using Copy Item To Clipboard from the Edit menu didn't copy the right fields.

- Fixed: "Set Changes" button will only be visible if episode or season values is actually changed.

- Fixed: There was some changes to the csv file SeenIt uses to parse data from that made SeenIt unusable.

- Added: [Search Engine] - "replace char" when searching for torrents

- Added: [Search Engine] - "Use Title Only" to use only title of the tv serie without any season or episode attached.

- Fixed: A long lasted bug - when running SeenIt for the first time SeenIt may have resulted in an error.

+ some more small minor things after releasing v3.1.

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