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Projects SeenIt
* Tired of finding out the last episode you watched of a TV-Serie?
* Having lots of TV-series to watch?

Perhaps SeenIt can help you? SeenIt keeps track of TV-series you have seen, all you have to do is update the program when you have watched a new episode. SeenIt makes it easy to watch TV-Serie..

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Forum Captain Cloudberry
Episode IV : Helium (Free C64 game)

For more than 13 years, citizens of DOUGAL CITY have suffered terrible weather and heavy rainstorms. It turns out that an evil witch, SABA MONTHBLEED, has peppered the sky with radioactive weather balloons! This has given her complete c..

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mp3copier v1.2 released | Author: Admin | Date: 03.02.18 06:00:00

Added: CSV database support for storing mp3 data when using "search files".
Fixed: Added support for bigger flash-drives. 32+ GBs. Previous version could only handle about 3.5GB.
Changed: Optimized the code for speed using Lists instead of a listview (hidden). Randomizing files for copying takes less than 10 seconds for a 10GB search.
Added: Overwrite option
Added: Exclude option, where you can exclude mp3s from being stored in the csv database.

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